Area of expertise: paediatric neurodisability
Dr Jill Cadwgan joined Evelina London as a consultant in children’s neurodisability in 2016.
Previously she worked as a consultant in child development and neurodisability at the Great North Children’s Hospital in Newcastle. During this time she was the clinical lead in neurodisability, coordinating the regional service for the North.
She is the Honorary Secretary of the British Academy of Childhood Disability, and a trustee of the Northeast Special Needs Network.
- 2000: MBChB – University of Leeds
- 2006: Postgraduate certificate in Clinical Education – University of Newcastle
- 2009 – CCT paediatric neurodisability
- Management of motor disorders
- Feeding, nutrition and visual impairment in children with cerebral palsy and other complex medical and developmental needs
- Facilitating participation and improving function in children with cerebral palsy and other complex medical and developmental needs
- Interventions for children and young people with cerebral palsy to support participation and functional activity
- Developing an evidence base for medical and therapeutic interventions for disabled children and their families
- 2012: BACD Paul Polani Research Award