Investigating the impact of parental attachment on the emotional and social outcomes of premature infants when compared to full term infants, and the neurological differences Satariano S (current) (Unpublished MSc Research) University College London, Institute of Child Health
The neuropsychological outcomes of parent-child interaction video feedback interventions on children: a systematic review Satariano S (current) (Unpublished MSc Research). University College London, Institute of Child Health
The ‘late effects’ of paediatric brain tumours and the implications for education settings Satariano S Educational and Child Psychology, Volume 33 (1) (2016)
Increased training and support for teaching assistants: the role of video enhanced reflective practice Hewitt J, Satariano, S, Todd L (2015). In Landor M, Todd L, Kennedy H (Eds) Video Enhanced Reflective Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley
Distance no object! Using VIG to support a school-refusing pupil with ASD Landor M, Hatzinikolaou K, Satariano S Educational Psychology in Scotland, 15, 21-29 (2014)
Video interaction guidance and social communication disorders Satariano S London International Conference: VIG in Early Years19th 23rd January 2016, London. Poster
Video enhanced reflective practice with TAs of children with autism spectrum diagnosis Satariano S VERP International Conference, June 2013 Newcastle. Poster