REACH service

Rehabilitation at the Evelina London Children's Hospital 

The REACH service at Evelina London is an outpatient rehabilitation service for children. We offer upper limb (arm and hand) focused intensive rehabilitation programmes, for children with, or at risk of, hemiplegia (movement difficulties of one side of the body) (6 months – 16 years)

What we offer

  1. Specialist assessment, consultation and advice regarding what rehabilitation approaches may be appropriate for a child. This may be a single appointment.

  2. Intensive, research-evidenced rehabilitation programmes focussed in particular on how a child or young person uses their arms and hands in daily life. These are typically six-week programmes. Appointments are a combination of some face-to-face sessions at the hospital and the rest are virtual (on screen). Usually, you will have weekly appointments with the REACH team, weekly appointments with your local therapist. The other sessions are delivered by parents and young people themselves at home. The programme delivers education and support for family members to help them carry out the therapy.

Watch a film about our Evelina London REACH service

We’ve made a short film, with the generous help of children and parents/care givers who have taken part in our therapy programmes, to introduce you to the work we do.

Local therapists are welcome to attend any of our appointments

Their participation is key to offering these programmes. We have made a short film for local therapists explaining more about working in partnership with us.

Contact us

If you would like more information, please email:

Tel: 07717 680 883