22q11.2 service

This service aims to make sure every child and young person with 22q11 deletion or duplication syndrome receives appropriate care and long term follow up. We are proud to be one of a small number of teams in the UK that provide this service.  

We see children at diagnosis and then at important milestones in their childhood, including transitioning to adult health care. This is important because the needs of children and young people with 22q11 deletion and duplication syndromes can change over time.

If your child has recently received a diagnosis of 22q11.2 deletion or duplication syndrome you may have a lot of questions about what this will mean for them.  We will do our best to answer these questions when we meet.

The 22q11.2 service is led by general paediatrics and immunology. We work closely with other Evelina London specialties, including the cardiology, cleft and ear, nose and throat (ENT) teams. We also work with Evelina London's psychiatry, psychology, dentistry and genetic teams.


Email: 22q@gstt.nhs.uk

Getting here

Our clinics are in Ocean.

Level 0 - Ocean
Evelina London Children's Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH