The community physiotherapy team organises an annual sports camp, typically run during the summer holidays, for children who are actively receiving physiotherapy.
The physiotherapy team link up with local community sports clubs who provide inclusive sports, to offer taster sessions of inclusive sports across Southwark and Lambeth. This is organised with support from the Evelina London Children’s Charity, which means we are able to offer these sessions to our children free of charge.
The aim of the taster sessions are to promote, encourage and empower young people to participate in community sports and keep active. The week is typically aimed at children over the age of 5 and caters for all levels of disabilities. Each year, we aim to showcase different sports.
Feedback about the sports camp
We have had fantastic feedback from our families, as well as the local sports clubs:
“...(my child) said it made them feel really normal and they made new friends” (parent, 2021)
"Although (my child) didn’t really understand the rules and didn’t participate in quite the same way as others, (my child) loved the football day and asked me if I would drive him to football the following week” (parent, 2021)
“We enjoyed all the sports. Thank you all” (parent, 2021)
“Sports was amazing, (my child) enjoyed all activities” (parent, 2021)
“Great communication, especially since one activity was affected by COVID” (parent, 2021)
“I’m really grateful for the sessions you gave (my child), (they) loved it so much” (parent, 2021)
“(my child) had a great time, I hope it will be repeated” (parent, 2021)
We value our connections with the local clubs across Southwark and Lambeth, some of which you will find in the locals offers for each borough.
Please speak to your treating therapist if this is something you and your child would like to participate in.