HENRY workshops and 8-week programmes

HENRY is licensed to deliver a wide range of support for families including individual workshops, 8-week programmes, resources and online help. HENRY supports parents and carers of children under the age of 5 in Lambeth and Southwark with whole-family nutrition, parenting skills, physical activity and emotional wellbeing.

The health visiting support and development workers deliver individual workshops as well as an 8-week programme called healthy families: right from the start.

Workshop topics include:

  • starting solids
  • fussy eating
  • let’s get active
  • healthy teeth
  • healthy drinks for young children
  • eating well for less

The bottom of this page has descriptions of each workshop.

A crèche is provided at all workshops (except starting solids).

Parents and carers can book a place by emailing: gst-tr.HVSupportAndDevelopmentWorker@nhs.net.

Please include in your email:

  • which session you would like to attend
  • your name
  • your child’s name
  • your child's date of birth
  • your postcode
  • your phone number

If you would like help with your booking, please contact your local children's centre in Lambeth and Southwark. They will take your contact details and pass them onto us. We'll then contact you to book you in. 

Individual workshops

HENRY workshop sessions

Friday 7 February

1pm to 3pm

Starting solids

Ellen Brown Children's Centre, 97-102 Grange Road

Monday 10 February

1pm to 3pm

Starting solids

Loughborough Children’s Centre,
Loughborough Primary School,
Minet Road

Wednesday 12 February

10am-12pm Fussy eating Henry Fawcett Children's Centre, Clayton Street, Kennington
SE11 5LD
Thursday 13 February 10am-12pm Fussy eating South Bermondsey Children and Family Hub, Tenda Road
SE16 3PN
(no creche available)
Friday 14 February 1pm to 3pm Starting solids Dulwich Wood Children's Centre,
Lyall Avenue
SE21 8QS
Thursday 20 February 12.30pm to 2.30pm Starting solids Coin Street Children's Centre, Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre,
108 Stamford Street
Monday 24 February 1pm to 3pm Fussy eating Streatham Hub Children's Centre, 388 Streatham High Road
SW16 6HX 
Thursday 27 February 1pm to 3pm Healthy teeth Coin Street Children's Centre, Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre,
108 Stamford Street
Monday 3 March 1.15pm to 3.15pm Starting solids Liz Atkinson Children's Centre, 9 Mostyn Road SW9 6PH
Friday 7 March 10am to 12pm Starting solids Crawford Children's Centre, 5 Crawford Road
Monday 10 March 1pm to 3pm Fussy eating Clapham Manor at Triangle Children’s Centre, 25 William Bonney Estate,
Clapham Crescent
Wednesday 12 March 1pm to 3pm Starting solids Benton’s Lane Children’s Centre, 18 Benton's Lane SE27 9UD
Friday 14 March 10am to 12pm Starting solids Stockwell Children’s Centre, Burgoyne Road London
Monday 17 March 1pm to 3pm Fussy eating Loughborough Children’s Centre, Loughborough Primary School, Minet Road
Wednesday 19 March 10am to 12pm Starting solids Henry Fawcett Children's Centre, Clayton Street, Kennington
SE11 5LD
Friday 21 March 10am to 12pm Starting solids South Bermondsey Children and Family Hub, Tenda Road
SE16 3PN 
Monday 24 March 1pm to 3pm Starting solids Clapham Manor at Triangle Children’s Centre, 25 William Bonney Estate,
Clapham Crescent
Wednesday 26 March 10am to 12pm Starting solids 1st Place Children's Centre, 12 Chumleigh Street
Thursday 27 March 1.15pm to 3.15pm Fussy eating Stockwell Children’s Centre, Burgoyne Road London
Friday 28 March 10am to 12pm Fussy eating South Bermondsey Children and Family Hub, Tenda Road
SE16 3PN
(no creche available)
Monday 31 March 1pm to 3pm Starting solids

Clapham Manor at Triangle Children’s Centre, 25 William Bonney Estate,
Clapham Crescent

8-week programmes – Healthy families: right from the start

Our healthy families: right from the start programmes run for 8 weeks, starting in September.



Hitherfield Children's Centre
Hitherfield Road
SW16 2LW

Dates and times

All sessions are face-to-face.

  • Tuesday 28 January, 12.30pm to 3pm
  • Tuesday 4 February, 12.30pm to 3pm
  • Tuesday 11 February, 12.30pm to 3pm
  • Tuesday 25 February, 12.30pm to 3pm
  • Tuesday 4 March, 12.30pm to 3pm
  • Tuesday 11 March, 12.30pm to 3pm
  • Tuesday 18 March, 12.30pm to 3pm
  • Tuesday 25 March, 12.30pm to 3pm



1st Place Children's Centre
12 Chumleigh Street

Dates and times

All sessions are face-to-face.

  • Wednesday 15 January, 10am to 12.30pm
  • Wednesday 22 January, 10am to 12.30pm
  • Wednesday 29 January, 10am to 12.30pm
  • Wednesday 5 February, 10am to 12.30pm
  • Wednesday 12 February, 10am to 12.30pm
  • Wednesday 26 February, 10am to 12.30pm
  • Wednesday 5 March, 10am to 12.30pm
  • Wednesday 12 March, 10am to 12.30pm 

Learn more about our courses

Aims and content of our HENRY workshops and 8 week courses
Name Theme Content
Starting solids Helping you understand how to establish healthy food preferences and eating habits from the start of your child's life.
  • Signs of readiness to start trying solids.
  • Taking babies on a taste journey.
  • First foods and finger foods.
  • Helping babies enjoy a wide range of tastes and textures.
  • Responsive feeding.
  • Repeated exposure.
Fussy eating Giving you skills and strategies to manage fussy eating.
  • Enjoying mealtimes together as a family.
  • Responsive feeding.
  • Portion sizes.
  • Cutting out grazing.
  • Balancing food groups.
Let's get active Building your confidence and knowledge of active games for 0 to 5 year olds and adopting an active lifestyle as a family.
  • Why active play is important.
  • Parents as active role models.
  • Sharing ideas for indoor and outdoor play.
  • Parenting skills and strategies to encourage active play and reduce screen time.
  • National guidance on activity and screen time.
Healthy teeth Developing your skills, knowledge and motivation to support oral health in early life.
  • Why oral health in early years is so important.
  • Effective toothbrusing routines and techniques.
  • A healthy diet for healthy teeth.
  • When to take children to the dentist.
Healthy drinks for young children Increasing awareness of sugar quantities in fizzy drinks and exploring healthier alternatives.
  • Guessing sugar content in popular fizzy drinks.
  • Using Public Health England's sugar smart app to make choices.
  • Healthier alternatives.
  • National Eatwell guidance.
Eating well for less Challenging and overcoming the perception that healthy eating is expensive.
  • Sharing tips for shopping on a budget.
  • Menu planning to avoid waste and encourage healthy eating.
  • Shopping to a menu plan and budget.
  • Recipes for simple, healthy, low-cost meals.

Healthy families: right from the start 8-week programme

This programme covers a range of themes across 8 weeks and provides everything you need to help get your little one off to a great start.

  • Feel more confident as a parent.
  • Reduce mealtime stress.
  • Enjoy being active as a family more often.
  • Encourage your child away from screens and TV.
  • See your child eat more fruit and vegetables.
  • Gain ideas to help with family routines.
  • Enjoying life as a family.