How to refer to our health visiting service
The health visiting service offers an open referral system for families and practitioners via our Single Point of Access:
Tel: 020 3049 5300
Tel: 020 3049 8166
The health visiting service also offers specialist services to all children age 0-5 years resident in Lambeth and Southwark areas. These services are:
- complex needs health visiting service
- health visiting support and development service
- HENRY programme
- early intervention health visiting
Complex needs health visiting team referral process:
Download the referral form (MS Word document 145KB)
All referrals must consider the required criteria (including reason for referral and any details from the initial assessment) and must be sent via email to:
Please note that Complex needs health visiting team offers a specialist health visiting service and referrals are considered from healthcare professionals only. Self-referrals are not accepted.
Children with complex needs
Children with complex needs under the age of five years old who have received a diagnosis and are registered with a GP in Southwark or Lambeth can be referred into the service. The team will accept referrals for complex needs children who would benefit from support around issues such as sleep, toilet training or behaviour. Parent(s)/carer of special needs children who would benefit from emotional support can also be referred into the service.
The team receive referrals from the following practitioners:
- health visitors
- occupation therapists
- paediatricians
- general practitioners
- speech and language therapists
- physiotherapists
- school nurses
- paediatric continence nurses.
Referrals will be considered from social care and education professionals. We unfortunately cannot consider self-referrals.
Health visiting support and development team referral process:
Download the referral form (MS Word document 64KB)
All referrals must consider the required criteria (including reason for referral and any details from the initial assessment) and must be sent via email to:
Please note that Health visiting support and development team offers a specialist health visiting service and referrals are considered from healthcare professionals only. Self-referrals are not accepted.
HENRY programme referral process
Parents and carers can book directly onto the HENRY workshops by emailing:
Early intervention health visiting service referral process
Download the referral form (MS Word document 81KB)
All referrals must consider the required criteria (including reason for referral and any details from the initial assessment) and must be sent via email to:
Please note that we offer a specialist health visiting service and referrals are considered from healthcare professionals only. Self-referrals are not accepted.