020 7188 5000
24 hour emergency referrals
The South Thames Retrieval Service (STRS) is an intensive care service, transporting critically ill children from local hospitals to intensive care units (PICUs).
Our team is made up of doctors and nurses from our intensive care unit who are specially trained in stabilising and transferring critically ill children. The STRS team give advice to staff at district general hospitals before their arrival to transfer a child. They then provide intensive care to the child before they leave hospital and while travelling in the ambulance, helicopter or plane. They hand over patient care once the child is settled into a PICU.
Two teams are available to transport children 24 hours, 7 days a week. When they are not transporting children, the team are working within the Evelina London intensive care unit.
The leaflet Transferring your child to a paediatric intensive care unit (PDF 1.15Mb) provides more information.