Sleep medicine referrals

Information for families

As part of our service, we:

The majority of sleep-related problems and symptoms in children and young people can be assessed, diagnosed and treated by either:

  • doctors working in general practice (primary care)
  • consultant children's doctors (paediatricians) working in general or community services or child and adolescent mental health services (secondary care)

Referrals to our service usually need to come from consultants working in secondary care, after an initial assessment has been made and treatment started.

We do not accept referrals directly from families, or from GPs.

We also do not usually accept direct referrals from doctors not working in the NHS (private practice paediatricians).

If you think your child has a sleep problem which may benefit from referral to our service, you should discuss with your GP or paediatrician in the first instance.


We will often ask families to keep a sleep diary for their child as part of our initial assessment.

There are a number of apps that can make the process of keeping a sleep diary easy. Our team helped with the build of one called SNappD that is free to download. It sends you reminders each morning, and produces summary reports each week. It is secure and data is stored only on the person's phone who completes the diary, but has good sharing facilities so a parent could for example share by email with their paediatrician, or our service. Download Snappd on the App Store for Apple or on the Google Play store for Android phones.

Information for professionals