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Uzayr Haider's blog

Age 14
Uzayr exercising outside.

February 2019

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Hi, my name is Uzayr and I recently had a kidney transplant.

This procedure was an absolute turning point for me as being on dialysis really weighed me down. However, this was my second transplant as I had been on dialysis once before. I was around four years old when I went onto haemodialysis which meant I had to have a tube in my chest which would allow the machine to drain my blood and clean it. Even though those three years were tough, the nurses made the experience easier for me and my mum. Then after waiting for a transplant, we got a call in the middle of the night on 14 November 2011 telling me to come in to hospital as they had found a kidney that was suitable for me. After the actual operation, which took about five hours, I was sore, but the nurses made sure that I had enough pain killers to feel comfortable.

Fast forward three years later, my creatinine (the measurement of the kidney function) started to rise and rise, which absolutely terrified me and my mum, but the doctors tried to calm us and assure us that it could be fixed. However after biopsy, they concluded it was rejection and the antibodies in my system had been attacking the kidney thinking it’s a virus. During this time, I gave up on taking my meds as nothing helped.

Eventually, a year or so later when I had started year eight, I was told I would have to go back on dialysis.

I was petrified and disappointed as I thought that this transplant would be the end of my suffering. Anyway, I was told that this one would be different. The peritoneal dialysis would allow me to go to school instead of coming in three times a week. However, about 11 months in I started to feel down and tired, and I just started losing weight because I didn’t feel like eating. To me, I just thought I needed some rest, but mum knew that it was something else. At a regular appointment, they found out I was anaemic, which would explain the tiredness. But the lack of joy and zero hunger was unexplained. Eventually, I started giving up on my new meds as I just got so fed up and tired of it. The doctors saw in my results that I wasn’t taking the medicine so they referred me to a psychologist, who not only helped me open up but made me feel more positive. However, this didn’t last long as I was still fed up with being on dialysis and how it would restrict me as I could not eat the things I used to enjoy. My weight dropped from 80kg to 58kg because I just wasn’t hungry. I don’t know whether or not this was because of the treatment or because I felt depressed.

After two years on the waiting list, I was told that someone, from the goodness of their heart, had decided to donate his/her kidney and I was the one lucky enough to get it. After hearing the news, I had started taking my medicine because I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. After a month of blood tests to double check if it was a match, I went in on the 19 November 2018. After five hours of the best sleep I’ve ever had, I woke up sore and fuzzy but transplanted. 

After a few days, I still couldn’t believe I had received a transplant, especially from a live donor and I hope someday I can meet them to say thank you for the new life they’ve given me.

After a few weeks, all my lines were removed from my neck and so was the catheter, drain (for removing excess liquid from wounds) and two cannulas (a tube they put into your blood to give you medicine), so I was able to go to the Ronald McDonald House, which was only a five minute walk from the hospital. It was such a nice place with friendly staff and other families. It was like being in a four star hotel to be honest: it was clean, it had two kitchens on every floor and a nice family room. Fast forward to Christmas and I was at home able to eat everything on the table. It was so nice to have the freedom and to be able to sleep on my own bed without being attached to a machine.

Now fast forward to today, I feel like I’m in the best place I’ve ever been mentally and I’m enjoying school, food (a little too much) and life.

I honestly can’t thank the people who

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have stuck with me through my tough times enough but all I can say is thank you.

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