December 2023
What is your current role?
I'm an educational psychologist and clinical neuropsychologist working in children's neurosciences at Evelina London Children's Hospital.
What do you love about it?
I really enjoy working with families, children and young people to help find ways to support children who are finding school, or life in general, difficult. I'm also really lucky to work with a fantastic team of very knowledgeable people including nurses, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, paediatricians and psychiatrists from whom I learn a lot.
What are you passionate about?
I'm passionate about supporting others, so that those who find it difficult to have a voice have someone to advocate for them. I'm a lead in my service for promoting equal opportunity for all and I recognise the significant strength and learning that comes from valuing diversity and difference.
What is your proudest moment?
I've been very lucky to be able to support charities who work with children with life-limiting rare diseases and epilepsies. I'm proud to be taking part in research that will hopefully make a positive change for the lives of children with these conditions.
What has it been like to participate in the Pathway to Employment supported internship programme?
The supported internship has enabled us to offer bespoke work placements and we've really enjoyed working with the interns. We're learning so much from them. They challenge us to make sure that our workplace really does support everyone equally, so those who have hidden strengths can be supported to shine.
Why are supported internships so important?
Everyone is different and we all have the right to employment, whatever barriers we face. It is the environment of work that needs changing and challenging, not the person. Students on the supported internship bring unique skills which are vital to our work. Supported internships provide employers with an opportunity to see the contributions students who have disabilities can bring to their roles, and the positive impact on staff teams and patient care they can have.
The Pathway to Employment supported internship programme, run by Southwark College, supports young people under the age of 25 who are neurodivergent to develop their skills and help them enter the workforce on the career path of their choice.
Discover more about the supported internship programme.

Thank you to the children and young people who have so brilliantly illustrated our blog pages.